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Investor Presentaiton

BOOHOO GROUP PLC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT CONTINUED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2021 // GOVERNANCE THE COMPANY HAS ADOPTED THE 2018 QUOTED COMPANIES ALLIANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE ('QCA CODE'). The board believes that the QCA Code provides the most appropriate framework of governance arrangements for a public listed company of boohoo's size and complexity. The board acknowledges the importance of the ten QCA Code principles and sets out the group's current approach below. DELIVER GROWTH 1. Establish a strategy and business model which promotes long-term value for shareholders The group owns the brands boohoo, boohooMAN, PrettyLittleThing, Nasty Gal, Miss Pap, Coast, Karen Millen, Warehouse, Oasis, Debenhams, Dorothy Perkins, Burton and Wallis and designs, sources, markets and sells clothing, shoes, accessories and beauty products targeted at 16-45 year-old consumers in the UK and internationally. The group has a strong presence in the UK, US, Australia, France and Ireland, and sells products to customers in almost every country in the world. The group's business model is entirely focussed on its customers and every element of the model begins and ends with them - we engage, we listen, we learn, we create and repeat. The group's ambition and growth prospects are underpinned by forecast growth in both the domestic and international online fashion retail markets, a highly efficient product- sourcing model and a robust infrastructure development plan. The group's vision is to be a leading e-commerce fashion market for 16-45 year-olds, which will be driven through the following strategic priorities: Insight creating a competitive customer proposition ⚫ Investment delivering organic growth to increase market share Innovation-driving customer engagement Integration integrating new brands A fuller explanation of how the strategy and business model are executed can be found on page 16. 2. Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations The board is informed of shareholder views as part of the regular reporting process and matters for discussion, and maintains an active dialogue with its shareholders through a planned programme of investor relations. This activity is a keystone of boohoo's corporate communications programme and is headed by the Executive Board, supported by an Investor Relations team and the Company Secretary. The group's s non-executive Deputy Chairman (who is also Senior Independent Director) acts as an additional link between the shareholders and the group's executive directors. The programme includes formal presentations of the group's full year and interim results and meetings between institutional investors, analysts and senior management on a regular basis. Regular communication with shareholders also takes place through the group's annual and interim report and via the group o website (, which contains up-to-date information on the group's activities. The Chairman of the Remuneration Committee has actively engaged and consulted with shareholders on major changes to the remuneration policy during the year. The board recognises that the annual general meeting is an important opportunity for communication with both institutional and private shareholders. There is also a designated email address for shareholder liaison - investorrelations@ and all contact details are included on the investor relations website. - 3. Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long-term success The board recognises the importance of maintaining strong relationships with its stakeholders in order to create sustainable long-term value, and the board encourages active dialogue and transparency with all its stakeholder groups. Further information on stakeholder engagement can be found on page 64. The board believes that modern slavery is a significant global issue presenting a challenge for businesses worldwide and has committed to continually reviewing its practices to combat slavery. The board has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to ensuring that its group companies and supply chain acts ethically and with integrity. Our Modern Slavery Statement can be found on the group's website. Further information on the Agenda for Change and our Supply Chain can be found on page 20. 4. Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation The board has overall responsibility for the group's systems of internal control and risk management and for reviewing the effectiveness of those systems. Such systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. Any system can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The board confirms that there are new procedures for identifying, evaluating and managing significant risks faced by the , and will review these formally with group, management before each financial year end (as well as the ongoing review of risks which emerge throughout the year). The board has implemented a new internal risk management procedure to identify, with relevant management, the major business risks facing the group and to put in place appropriate policies and procedures to manage those risks. Internal and external risks, which are assessed on a continual basis, may be associated with a variety of internal or external sources, including control breakdowns, disruption in information systems, competition, inadequate financing, poor business performance, natural catastrophe and regulatory requirements. These involve a process of control, self-assessment and reporting that will be established to provide a documented trail of accountability, which will be reported to the board. The newly constituted Executive Risk Group reports on its review of the risks and how they are managed to both the board and Risk Committee, whose role it is to review the key risks inherent in the business and the systems of control necessary to manage those risks. The Executive Risk Group, which includes the CEO and CFO, reports to the Risk Committee and provides independent assurance over risks and internal controls. The Risk Committee presents its findings to the board as appropriate. The Executive Risk Group also reports to the Risk Committee on major changes in the business and external environment which affect significant risks. Where areas for improvement in the systems are identified, the board considers the recommendations made by the Executive Risk Group and the Risk Committee. 54 55
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