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Consistent Earnings Growth and Digital Engagement

Endnotes TD 109.Under the OSFI Guideline for Capital Adequacy Requirements (CAR), Chapter 2 - Definition of Capital, effective November 2018, each of the following constitutes a Trigger Event: (i) the Superintendent publicly announces that the Superintendent is of the opinion that the Bank has ceased, or is about to cease, to be viable and that, after the conversion or write-off, as applicable, of all contingent instruments and taking into account any other factors or circumstances that are considered relevant or appropriate, it is reasonably likely that the viability of the Bank will be restored or maintained; or (ii) the federal or a provincial government in Canada publicly announces that the Bank has accepted or agreed to accept a capital injection, or equivalent support, from the federal government or any provincial government without which the Bank would have been determined by the Superintendent to be non-viable. 110.Source: TD Economics, November 2022. For recent economic analysis and research please refer to 111.Source: TD Economics, November 2022. For recent economic analysis and research please refer to 112.Gross Impaired Loan formations represent additions to Impaired Loans & Acceptances during the quarter; excludes the impact of acquired credit-impaired loans. 113.GIL Formations Ratio: Gross Impaired Loan Formations/Average Gross Loans & Acceptances. 114.Gross Impaired Loans (GIL) excludes the impact of acquired credit-impaired loans. 115.GIL Ratio: Gross Impaired Loans/Gross Loans & Acceptances (both are spot) by portfolio. 116. Effective November 1, 2017, the Bank adopted IFRS 9, which replaces the guidance in IAS 39. The Bank made the decision not to restate comparative period financial information and has recognized any measurement differences between the previous carrying amount and the new carrying amount on November 1, 2017 through an adjustment to opening retained earnings. As such, fiscal 2018 and 2019 results reflect the adoption of IFRS 9, while prior periods reflect results under IAS 39. 117.PCL-impaired represents Stage 3 PCL under IFRS 9, performing represents Stage 1 and Stage 2 on financial assets, loan commitments, and financial guarantees. 78
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