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Investor Presentaiton

Nordea covered bond operations Four aligned covered bond issuers with complementary roles Legislation Cover pool assets Cover pool size* Covered bonds outstanding* OC* Issuance currencies Rating (Moody's / S&P) Included in Nordea Green Framework Issued Green CB's Nordea Eiendomskreditt Nordea Hypotek Nordea Kredit + Norwegian Norwegian residential mortgages EUR 21.0bn (eq.) EUR 9.1bn (eq.) 130% NOK Aaa/ - Yes Yes (inaugural issue in 2021) Swedish Swedish residential mortgages primarily EUR 61.9bn (eq.) EUR 35.6bn (eq.) 74% SEK Aaa / - Yes COVERED BOND -LABEL- Nordea Mortgage Bank + Danish Danish residential & commercial mortgages Balance principle EUR 60.3bn (eq.)* 8%** DKK, EUR Finnish Finnish residential mortgages primarily EUR 23.5bn EUR 20.8bn 13% EUR, GBP - / AAA Yes Aaa/ - Yes Yes (inaugural issue in 2019) Covered bonds are an integral part of Nordea's long term funding operations - Issuance in Scandinavian and international currencies - All Nordea covered bond issuance entities (MCI's) are covered by Nordea's updated 2021 green bond framework Reported values as per Q321 ** The figures in Nordea Kredit only include capital centre 2 (SDRO). Nordea Kredit no longer reports for CC1 (RO), as this capital centre only accounts for a minor part (<1%) of the outstanding volume of loans and bonds Nordea
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