Granite's Evolution
Strong balance sheet provides pathway for measured growth with potential for further diversification and optimization of the portfolio
Target long term net leverage ratio¹ of ~30 - 35% while maintaining patient and opportunistic approach to acquisitions and development
Long term leverage target fully reflected in current credit ratings from Moody's and DBRS
Rating Agency Commentary
Incremental Net Debt Capacity
Net Leverage Ratio 1,2
Incremental Debt
Capital ($M)
26% (current)
Moody's 03/12/2021: Baa2 (Stable)
"Granite's Baa2 senior unsecured rating reflects its commitment to maintaining a conservative capital
structure, with moderate long-term target leverage of debt/total assets under 35% and a fully
unencumbered asset base, as the REIT executes its strategic growth plan and portfolio transformation.
The ratings are further supported by Granite's good liquidity and long-term net-lease contracts with
minimal rollover that result in stable earnings year over year. It also incorporates the REIT's success in
transforming its portfolio over the past few years, effectively improving its asset quality and long-term
growth profile."
DBRS Morningstar 03/22/2021: BBB(high) (Stable)
"DBRS Morningstar has revised upward its assessment of Granite's asset quality and market position.
These revisions are supported by Granite completing approximately $2.0 billion in acquisitions over the
last two years, with such acquisitions consisting of modern distribution assets located in key distribution
markets in Canada, the Netherlands, and the U.S., while continuing to dispose of noncore special-purpose
properties. Furthermore, the Trust collected 100% of its rent during the pandemic while improving
occupancy and generating robust same property net operating income growth (SPNOI), therefore
demonstrating the resilience of Granite's assets, tenants, and cash flows. The Stable trends consider DBRS
Morningstar's expectations that industrial real estate fundamentals will remain supportive in the near to
medium term and that Granite will continue to execute its long-term strategy of growing and diversifying
its asset base through acquisitions and developments as well as funding such growth initiatives with cash
on hand, incremental debt, and equity, similar to recent years."
Commitment to maintaining a sustainable investment grade rating and conservative capital structure
1 For definitions of Granite's non-IFRS performance measures and non-IFRS ratios, refer to Appendix A and B on page 23 and 24.
2 Excludes assets held for sale and reflects adjustments for subsequent events. Refer to the "Subsequent Events" section in Appendix C on page 25.
March 2022
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