Investor Presentaiton
Company Information
In 1997 the Bangladesh Power
Development Board (BPDB) was faced
with the challenge to ease a critically
short power supply in the South Western
Zone of Bangladesh. The electrical
demand had been consistently higher than
available capacity, and generation costs
in the area had been very high due to the
low efficiency of existing equipment and
the heavy use of expensive, low-availability
fuel. Bangladesh Power Development
Board (BPDB) thus signed a Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA) in 1997 with
Khulna Power Company Ltd. (KPCL) to
set up a power plant at Khulna to alleviate
the severe power crisis as a fast-track
Khulna Power Company Ltd. (KPCL) is the
first Independent Power Producer (IPP) in the
country, established under the Private Sector
Power Generation Policy of Bangladesh.
KPCL was incorporated on October 15,
1997 as a private limited company. On July
19, 2009 the company was converted into
a public limited company. KPCL was formed
with a paid up capital of BDT 2,085.93
million (US$ 44.10 million) and the initial
project cost was US$ 96.07 million.
KPCL commenced its full commercial
operation on October 13, 1998 and since
then, it has been supplying uninterrupted
reliable power to the national grid. The
formation of KPCL Project was initially
sponsored by Summit Group and United
Group along with their foreign partner El
Paso Corporation (El Paso), USA, one of the
world's largest and most diversified natural
gas exploration and pipeline companies
and Wärtsilä Corporation (Wärtsilä), Finland,
a leading power plant manufacturer of the
world. In 2008, El Paso, as part of its global
repositioning strategy disposed of its shares
in KPCL to Summit Group and United
Group. Later in 2009 Wärtsilä's share was
also acquired by Summit and United.
Khulna Power Company Ltd. had two
subsidiary companies named as: i) Khulna
Power Company Unit II Ltd.; and ii)
Khanjahan Ali Power Company Ltd. Both
the subsidiaries subsequently merged
with Khulna Power Company Ltd with
the sanction of the Honorable High Court
Division of Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
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