Investor Presentaiton
IIFET 2012 Tanzania Proceedings
bulkiness, perishability, small quantities of production on small farms, non-consumable nature of
some agricultural products in the raw farm. These functions include that of assembling the
products from various production centres, processing the commodities in the form that will be
suitable for consumption, and then making every arrangement to get them distributed to
[4] further stated that some services are essential and must be carried out efficiently for
marketing functions to be accomplished. These services are called marketing services and they
include transportation, storage, grading and standardization, packaging, bringing sellers and
buyers together, financing and risk bearing. According to [5] defined marketing channel as path
between production and consumption. The author also classified it as either centralized or
decentralized. A centralized marketing channel is one in which commodities are assembled in
large central terminal market where they are purchased by wholesalers or processed or from
farmer agent, while decentralized channel doesn't have such large assembly-marketing facilities
and traders buy directly from farmer.
A list of suitable criteria for defining an adequate market situation, optimizing social welfare and
maximizing the efficiency of agricultural marketing systems includes the market structure, its
conduct and performance [4]. Structure is defined as the significant economic variables that
characterize the organization [20]. It refers to certain characteristics of the market, which are
believed to influence its nature of completion and the process of price formation. [4] defined
market conduct as certain behaviours of firms in the market. They also added that market
conduct is more or less influenced by market structure. [11] stated that performance is the
outcome of the behavior of interaction of structure and conduct. It is the assessment of how well
the process of marketing is carried out and how successfully its aims are accomplished. The
elements traditionally classified under performance are profits, operational efficiency, pricing
efficiency and stability and progressiveness, price stabilization of information, cost of sales
Artisanal fishermen operate in the nation's Rivers, Lagoon, Lakes, brackish waters and in the
coastal waters not beyond 3 nautical miles of the territorial waters. According to [18],
'traditional', 'small-scale' or 'artisanal' fishery is used to characterize those fisheries that are
mainly non-mechanized with low level of production.
In Nigeria, the coastal artisanal fishers use the traditional dug-out canoes or pirogue ranging
from 3-18 metres in length while the gears used include cast nets, handlines, basket traps,
longlines, set gillnets and beach and purse seines. The operating range of small-scale fisheries is
around the 20 metres depth contour, with operations extending occasionally to a maximum depth
of 40 metres [16].
Fish production in Nigeria is practiced in two environments namely fresh and salts waters. The
fresh water fish production is classified into three major subsectors; artisanal captured fishery,
industrial captured and Aquaculture. The artisanal captured fishery, production is achieved by
individual or by small groups by the use of labour intensive gears. This is the most important
subsector as it represents between 85-90% of domestic production and providing means of
economic support and livelihood for millions of rural dwellers, particularly in Niger Delta,
Northeast and Middle belt regions of the country [15].
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