Investor Presentaiton
Target Investors - Investment Scope of QDIIS
Type of QDII Institution
Scope of Outbound Investment
Securities Companies
Fund Managers
Commercial Banks
money market instruments
fixed-income products
securities issued by CSRC-recognized international financial organizations
equity products (including shares, global/US depository receipts and REITs) listed on a
stock exchange in a country or region that has signed a MoU on the bilateral regulatory
cooperation with the CSRC
fixed-income products (rated as BBB or above)
shares listed on a stock exchange in a country or region that has signed a MoU on the
bilateral regulatory cooperation with the CBIRC
structured products (issuer rated as A or above)
structured products
public funds registered with the securities regulatory authority in a country or region that
has signed a MoU on the bilateral regulatory cooperation with the CSRC
financial derivatives listed and traded on CSRC-recognized offshore stock exchanges
other products approved by the CSRC
public funds approved or recognized by or registered with a securities regulator in a
country or region that has signed a MoU on the bilateral regulatory cooperation with the
other products approved by the CBIRC
Trust company
money market instruments (rated as investment grade or above)
equity products (including shares, global/US depository receipts and REITs) listed on a
stock exchange in a country or region that has signed a MoU on the bilateral regulatory
cooperation with the CBIRC
public funds approved by or registered with by a securities regulator in a country or region
that has signed a MoU on the bilateral regulatory cooperation with the CBIRC
structured products (rated as investment grade or above)
other products approved by the CBIRC
Insurance Companies
Morgan Lewis
money market instruments (rated as A or above) traded in a CBIRC-recognized country or
fixed-income products (issuer and product rated as BBB or above) traded in a CBIRC-
recognized country or region
equity products (including shares, global/US depository receipts, and REITs) listed on a
CBIRC-recognized offshore stock exchange
shares of unlisted companies (limited to industries of finance, pension, health care, energy,
resource, automobile service, and modern agriculture)
real estate (located in a CBIRC-recognized market)
securities investment funds recognized by or registered with the securities regulator in a
CBIRC-recognized country or region
private equity funds with the investment target located in a CBIRC-recognized country or
region (but if the investment target is at the growing or maturity stage or has a relatively
high acquisition value, such investment target can be in a non-CBIRC recognized country
or region), which have a total capital commitment of no less than US$300 million and its
paid-in capital is in place in proportion to the amount of the capital commitment
REITS listed on a stock exchange in a CBIRC-recognized country or region
other products approved by the CBIRC
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