Investor Presentaiton
Deepen trade
relationships and O
supply capabilities
Action theme 3
Establish robust relationships and value
chains to supply renewable hydrogen to
new and emerging trade partners
By leading the nation in the uptake
of renewable energy and pioneering
grid-scale energy storage solutions,
international companies have already
begun to recognise South Australia as
a destination for sustainable energy
Hydrogen provides a further opportunity to build on the
existing investment and the State's established record as
a reliable supplier of commodities and adopter of new
Attracting investment and capturing a greater share of export
markets is also the focus of the South Australian Growth Agenda
led by the Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment.
New free trade agreements with our regional partners and the
Commonwealth Government's commitment to developing a
National Hydrogen Strategy also supports South Australia's
aim of leveraging its advantages to open up new market
South Australia is on the move to deepen
its trade relationships and supply
Promote renewable hydrogen through
its global network of trade and
investment offices
The South Australian Government is
opening five new overseas trade and
investment offices in strategic locations
in China, northeast Asia, southeast Asia,
the Middle East, and the United States of
America to build on its existing overseas
South Australia's trade office network will
also work alongside the South Australian
Agent General's Office in London and
Austrade's global network to facilitate
business connections and provide support
to companies looking to enter international
markets, and to overseas investors looking
for opportunities in South Australia.
Support inbound and outbound trade
and investment missions
The South Australian Government has
increased support to attract major events
and business conferences to Adelaide that
provide a drawcard for overseas investors
and buyers, for example the International
Conference on Hydrogen Safety in Adelaide
in September 2019.
The South Australian Government publishes
an Annual Calendar of Inbound and
Outbound Trade and Investment Missions
that allows local companies to align their
overseas engagement with target hydrogen
Engage with international hydrogen
South Australia is committed to engaging
with international hydrogen consortia to
share information and cooperate on the
scale-up of the global hydrogen production
and export industry.
South Australia's membership of the Green
Ammonia Consortium of global entities with
an interest in green (renewable) ammonia is
an example of relationship building South
Australia is pursuing.
Facilitate hydrogen-related foreign
direct investment, business migration
and business expansion
Securing overseas investment in new
export-capable industries such as hydrogen
will be a major contributor to achieving
the South Australian Government's State
Growth Plan of accelerating annual gross
state product growth to 3 per cent.
The Department for Trade, Tourism and
Investment is at the forefront of securing
new investment in growth industries, and
the hydrogen economy is one of the key
export-oriented sectors that will contribute
to meeting these State Growth Plan targets.
Expanding South Australia's modern
industrial supply chain to offer the capability
and workforce to support the multiple
facets of a growing hydrogen economy,
from the production of hydrogen (and other
hydrogen derived products), to its storage,
conversion (power-to-gas and gas-to-
power) and its distribution, across both the
energy and mobility sectors.
Bottom left: Representative Won-
Wook Lee, member of Korean
National Assembly, cooks on a
Heatlie hydrogen barbecue during
the H2Korea delegations visit to the
Tonsley Innovation District, Adelaide
Bottom right: His Excellency the
Governor Hieu Van Le AC, Minister
for Trade, Tourism and Investment
the Honourable David Ridgway MP
and Commissioner, South Australia
-Japan and Korea, Sally Townsend
open the North East Asia Trade and
Investment Office
South Australian hydrogen engagements in the Asia-Pacific
November 2018: Minister for Trade,
Tourism and Investment the Hon. David
Ridgway MP officially opened South
Australia's new Shanghai Trade and
Investment Office as the first of five
strategic trade and investment offices.
February 2019: the Chief Executive of
the Department for Energy and Mining
Dr Paul Heithersay led a delegation of
South Australian hydrogen industry
representatives to the 2019 International
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo in Tokyo,
Japan, as part of a "Team Australia"
approach coordinated by Austrade.
March 2019: His Excellency the Governor
the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC and
Minister Ridgway participated in number
of hydrogen meetings in Japan and the
Republic of Korea as part of the North East
Asia Trade Mission and Investment Office
July 2019: Ms Sally Townsend, South
Australia's Commissioner to Japan and
Korea, represented South Australia at the
inaugural meeting of the Green Ammonia
Consortium in Tokyo. The Government of
South Australia, Austrade and CSIRO have
been invited to join as advisory members.
August 2019: an inbound delegation
led by Representative Lee Won-Wook of
Korean National Assembly and industry
leaders visited Adelaide for meetings
with South Australian industry and
government, including lunch cooked over
a locally-built barbecue fuelled by 100%
September 2019: an inbound delegation
led by the University of Tokyo and
comprising industry representatives from
the Renewable Hydrogen Consortium
visited Adelaide for meetings with South
Australian industry and government.
South Australia's Hydrogen Action Plan
Government of South Australia
September 2019
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