Goldboro 2021 Feasibility Study: A Robust Open Pit Project slide image

Goldboro 2021 Feasibility Study: A Robust Open Pit Project

SIGNAL -GOLD- Signal Gold: Key Investment Takeaways Signal Gold offers investors unique exposure to an emerging gold mining district in Canada, underpinned by a Feasibility Study, with significant demonstrated discovery and growth upside. ➤ Emerging Canadian gold camp which includes the largest gold deposit in Nova Scotia with continued growth potential in all directions, particularly near surface to the west of the existing Mineral Resource ➤ Significant land position in the Goldboro Gold District of approximately 19,450 hectares (195 km2) including a 28 km strike length along the Upper Seal Harbour trend and 23 km in the Lower Seal Harbour trend ➤ Quality exploration potential immediately to the west of the current Goldboro Deposit based on a 50-lin km IP Survey Drilling has confirmed that Goldboro mineralization continues to the west, a 12,000 metre exploration program underway to step-out further towards the past producing Dolliver Mountain Gold Mine and demonstrate the potential scale of the Goldboro Deposit Phase 1 Feasibility Study demonstrates an after-tax NPV 5% of C$328 Million and IRR of 25.5% (US$1,600 / C$2,000 gold) over a ~11 years life of mine, producing an average of 100,000 oz. per annum, with further scale potential with underground mineral resources and potential expansion to the west of the Deposit Environmental Assessment Approval received on Aug 2, 2022, a significant milestone in the regulatory approval process, and demonstrative of the strong social license that has been maintained by Signal Gold Mineral Lease, Industrial Approval and Fisheries Act Authorization applications were submitted in August 2023 Current valuation presents an optimal entry point for investors - Strong Valuation Upside TSX: SGNL | OTCQX: SGNLF 20 20
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