2019 Interim Results
Transform the Bank
H1 2019 Progress
Bank of Ireland 2019 Interim Results
Business model
Target Outcomes
• Colleague engagement continuing to improve, up +7% since 2017
Continue to create a leaner, simplified and agile organisation with 70% of end
state spans and layers structure completed to date
ATM and debit cards successfully migrated to new platform
. Mobile app technical version produced ahead of customer launch later in 2019
Automated over 100 business processes through robotics, reducing
operational risk and processing times, improving efficiency and customer
• Strengthened culture
Cost base to reduce to
c.€1.7bn in 2021
Absolute cost level
declining year-on-year
to 2021
Income growth
Exit from Credit Cards, unprofitable ATMs and Current Accounts in the UK
Bank of Ireland
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