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Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021

109 Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021 / Consolidated Financial Statements / Notes Funding 4.7 PENSION LIABILITIES Plan asset investment Plan assets generate returns that are used to satisfy the plan liabilities. They are not necessarily intended to be realised in the short term. The trustees invest in different categories of assets and with different allocations among those categories, according to the plan investment principles. Currently, the plan investment strategy is to maintain a balance of growth assets (equities, property and infrastructure), income assets (comprising credit investments and corporate bonds) and matching assets (comprising a liability hedge portfolio and a buy-in annuity policy), with a weighting towards matching assets. There are no direct investments in the group. Part of the investment objective is to minimise fluctuations in the plan's funding levels due to changes in the value of the liabilities. This is primarily achieved using a Liability Driven Investment (LDI) portfolio, the main goal of which is to align movements in the value of the assets with movements in the liabilities caused by changes in market conditions. The plan has hedging that covers the majority of interest rate and inflation movements, as measured based on the trustees' funding assumptions which use a discount rate derived from gilt yields. LDI primarily involves the use of government bonds. Derivatives such as interest rate and inflation swaps are also used. There are no annuities or longevity swaps in the LDI portfolios. The value of the LDI assets is determined based on the latest market bid price for the underlying investments, which are traded daily on liquid markets. Table 4.7.e Assumptions for the actuarial calculations Discount rate assumptions Discount rate, Sweden Discount rate, UK Inflation assumptions Inflation (CPI), Sweden Inflation (CPI), UK Mortality assumptions Life expectancy at age 65 for a: Male in the UK Female in the UK Male in Sweden Female in Sweden Table 4.7.f Sensitivity of pension liabilities to key assumptions (EURM) Impact on pension liabilities at 31 December Discount rate +/- 10bps Expected salary increases +/- 10bps Life expectancy +/- 1 year Inflation +/- 10 bps Contents III 2021 2020 % % 1.7 1.3 1.9 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.7 2.1 21.0 20.9 23.0 23.0 22.0 22.0 24.0 24.0 2021 2021 2020 2020 + + -26 26 -28 28 2 -2 3 -3 82 -82 84 -84 16 -16 17 -17
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