Investor Presentaiton
The production targets stated in this presentation are based on International Graphite's current expectations of future results or events and should not be relied upon by investors when making
investment decisions. Further evaluation work and studies are required to establish sufficient confidence that production targets will be met. Accordingly, given the uncertainties involved, investors
should not make any investment decisions based solely on the results of the Integrated Mine to Market Scoping Study. Given that the results are subject to the qualifications above (including
assumptions as to accuracy and confidence tolerances) any results reported in this release should be considered as approximates and subject to variances having regard for the assumptions
referred to in this release.
In the first ten years of the Springdale Scoping Study production plan approximately 86% of the Mineral Resources schedule for extraction are currently classified as Indicated and 14% as Inferred.
A valuation table is provided showing the financial viability of the project over this operating period. Of the Mineral Resources scheduled for extraction over 15 years in the Springdale Scoping Study
production plan approximately 72% are currently classified as Indicated, including 81% in the first 13 years of the period modelled.
International Graphite confirms that the financial viability of Springdale and Collie BAM Facility is not dependent on the inclusion of Inferred Resources in the production schedule.
The Company has concluded that it has reasonable grounds for disclosing production targets which include a proportion of Inferred material. However, there is a low level of geological confidence
associated with Inferred Mineral Resources and there is no certainty that further exploration work will result in the determination of Indicated Mineral Resources or that production targets themselves
will be realised.
The Mineral Resources underpinning the production targets in the Springdale Scoping Study have been prepared by a Competent Person in accordance with the requirements of the JORC Code
(2012). For full details of the Mineral Resources estimate, please refer to International Graphite's ASX release dated 12th September 2023, released to ASX under the title "Huge Mineral Resource
increase at Springdale".
The Mineral Resource estimate was prepared by independent consultancies OMNI Geox Pty Ltd and Trepanier Pty Ltd and Mr. Peter Langworthy of OMNI Geox Pty Ltd and Mr Lauritz Barnes
of Trepanier are named as Competent Persons. International Graphite confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in that release
and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimate continue to apply and have not been changed.
To achieve the potential mine development outcomes indicated in the Springdale - Collie Integrated Mine to Market Scoping Study, funding in the order of A$76 million will likely be required
to develop Springdale and between A$124 million and $341 million (depending upon the finished product to be produced) will be required to develop the Collie BAM Facility.
Investors should note that there is no certainty that the Company will be able to raise funding when needed, however the Company has concluded it has a reasonable basis for providing the
forward-looking statements included in this presentation and believes that it has a "reasonable basis" to expect it will be able to fund the development of Springdale and the Collie BAM Facility.
It is also possible that such funding may only be available on terms which are dilutive to, or otherwise affect the value of, International Graphite's existing shares. It is also possible that International
Graphite could pursue other 'value realization' strategies such as sale, partial sale or joint venture of the project. If it does, this could materially reduce International Graphite's proportionate
ownership of the assets. International Graphite has concluded that it has a reasonable basis for providing these forward-looking statements and the forecast financial information included in this
release. This includes a reasonable basis to expect that it will be able to fund the development of Springdale and the Collie BAM Facility upon successful delivery of key development milestones as
and when required.
The detailed reasons for these conclusions are outlined throughout the ASX release dated 29 January 2024. While International Graphite considers all of the material assumptions to be based on
reasonable grounds, there is no certainty that they will prove to be correct or that the range of outcomes indicated by the Integrated Mine to Market Scoping Study will be achieved.
A summary of the Integrated Mine to Market Scoping Study highlights is shown in the body of the ASX release dated 29 January 2024. All financials are provided in Australian dollars unless stated
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