Vittia Annual Report 2022
Attention to climate change - emissions
GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4
We have focused permanent efforts to reduce
our emissions. We prepare, annually, the
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Inventory, in line with
the criteria of the ABNT NBR ISO 14064:2022
Standard and with the parameters of the
Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. Since 2021,
our inventory has been externally audited.
In 2022, with regard to our emissions, we can
▸ Our activities were responsible for the
emission of 8,980tCO₂e from Scope 1
(direct emissions), which represents an
increase of 13.7% compared to the previous
year, related to the increase in the categories
of mobile combustion, fugitive emissions,
solid waste, and effluents. It should be noted
that we improved our management of
inventoried sources, resulting in a better
assessment of the fugitive emissions
▸ Our Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions)
decreased by 64.6% over last year, due to
the reduction in the emission factor of the
electricity grid.
In Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions),
we had a 23% reduction compared to the
previous year, especially in the category of
goods and services sold. In total, 14,038
tCO₂e were emitted, considering goods and
services purchased, displacement of
employees and business trips, waste
generated in operations (both organic waste
and waste sent to landfills and incineration),
transport and distribution (upstream) and
use of products sold. That is, the analysis
covers the different stages of our value
chain, demonstrating our commitment to
transparency and the search for
improvements. But we want to go further,
and we continue to invest in improvements
in processes, systems, and equipment.
Annual Report 2022View entire presentation