Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Credit Culture Based on Key Principles OUR CREDIT CULTURE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED AND NURTURED OVER OUR SENIOR CRE TEAM'S LONG TENURE IN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE DEBT MARKETS Rigorous Underwriting Property ■ Markets ☐ Sponsor ■ Business plan Structuring ☐ Legal document diligence ■ Loan structure ▪ Lender rights Portfolio construction on a loan-by-loan basis with each investment standing on its own merits and adhering to our overall credit culture Significant amount of resources are committed upfront to ensure comprehensive underwriting and structuring • Team originating a loan remains responsible for monitoring and managing that investment until capital is repaid Asset Management ☐ Accountability for loan performance ■ Proactive monitoring ☐ Borrower dialogue 16
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