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Investor Presentaiton

Alaska's economy may be divided into basic and support industries. Basic and support industries are driven by different factors and grow or decline for different reasons. Basic industries bring money into Alaska. Oil and seafood are basic industries because they sell products to markets outside Alaska. Tourism is a basic industry because tourists spend money in Alaska. The federal government is a basic industry because the federal government spends money in Alaska. Basic industries are affected by factors such as resource abundance, world market conditions, competition from other regions, federal spending, and federal and state resource management policies. Support industries depend on spending of Alaska businesses and residents. Retail trade, services, and local government are support industries. Support industries are driven by basic sector income, and also by the extent to which Alaskans spend money in Alaska rather than Outside. Economists say the basic income is "multiplied" as it is re- spent within the Alaska economy, generating support income. As the Alaska economy grows, the share of money which is spent in Alaska grows, causing the support sector to grow. There are two ways the Alaska economy can grow: by growing basic industries, or by increasing the "multiplier" so that support industries grow. Much of Alaska's growth over the past four decades has been in support industries, and has come from increasing the multiplier. 13
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