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Investor Presentaiton

FINANCING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Executive Summary The objective of this policy note is to give a preliminary assessment of ring-fencing revenue generated in the tourist areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) for developing specific tourism related infrastructure and services to promote sustainable tourism in these areas. This evaluation is done keeping in view international best practices, recent institutional changes governing tourism in KP and existing revenue and expenditure systems of the province. A stakeholder analysis, that entailed a workshop and interviews with relevant public and private sector players, informs the analysis and helps outline some preliminary findings and possible areas of further research. International best practices show that an efficient and transparent mechanism of tourism development and management is through local governments. Tourism and hospitality related taxes are collected at the local, city or municipal level and are spent on tourism infrastructure, marketing or for environmental and conservation projects at the local level. Other charges such as fees, levies, tolls etc. are for specific services such as entry charges to resorts, museums, parks etc. The revenues collected are spent on the maintenance, management, and improve- ment of these tourism related services. This is essentially what ring-fencing or hypothecation of tourism tax revenue means. Such earmarking of tax revenue for use in a particular sector or a specific service is thought to increase transparency and accountability of a government with the taxpayers, creating willingness to pay taxes particularly in countries with low tax compliance. However, hypo- thecation of taxes can lead to the loss of a government's autonomy to allocate resources according to its preferences and plans. Also, as tax revenues are pro-cyclical, complete reliance of a public good or service on one source of revenue (strong hypothecation) can lead to resource constraints in times of low economic activity jeopardising the provision of that good or service. Finally, as tax revenues are dependent on the extent of economic activity of a region, ear-marking these for use in that region can create enclaves of prosperity accentuating geographical income disparities. While discussing the possibility of earmarking tourism taxes for sustainable tourism develop- ment in the context of KP, these issues need to be kept in mind. In Pakistan and in KP, tourism is a provincial subject under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tourism and Culture Authority (KPCTA). The KPCTA is an autonomous body with powers to collect tourism levies, fee, fines etc. which go into a tourism fund. The fund is supposed to be used for tourism marketing, research, development etc. One of the key tasks of KPCTA is the establishment of independently functioning Integrated Tourism Zones (ITZs). The province also has development authorities such as Galliyat Development Authority (GDA) and Kaghan Development Authority (KDA) that are autonomous and have development of tourism as part of their administrative domain. These authorities also collect a range of taxes, fees, fines etc. and overlap in terms of geographical and administrative jurisdiction with KPCTA and proposed ITZs. Local bodies' jurisdiction can also potentially overlap with the Authorities, although currently these are not functional or active. Overall, the tourism administration and management system are like a spaghetti bowl with multiple depart- ments, overlapping jurisdictions, regulations, and numerous taxes/levies. 07
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