FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation slide image

FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation

Regis Healthcare Limited | FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation Appendix A: Income Statement $ millions Revenue from Services Government revenue Resident revenue Other revenue Revenue from Services Other income1 Total Revenue Operating Expenses Staff expenses Resident care expenses Administration expenses Occupancy expenses² Total Operating Expenses Depreciation³ Amortisation4 Finance costs5 Loss Before Tax Income tax benefit Net Loss After Tax 1Other income includes imputed income on RADS and Bonds of $62.9 million (FY22: $62.4 million) in accordance with AASB 16 Leases 2Occupancy expenses excludes the cost of operating leases as a result of the adoption of AASB 16 Leases ³Depreciation includes $1.4 million (FY22: $1.0 million) relating to right-of-use assets in accordance with AASB 16 Leases 4Amortisation of operational places from 1 October 2021 to 30 June 2024 on a straight-line basis in accordance with Accounting Standards - refer page 28 5Finance costs include $62.9 million (FY22: $62.4 million) of imputed interest charge on RADS and Bonds and $0.3 million (FY22: $0.3 million) of interest expense on leases payable in accordance with AASB 16 Leases - 24- FY23 FY22 549.6 517.9 221.9 200.0 9.1 7.4 780.6 725.3 117.0 71.6 897.6 796.9 (591.2) (550.4) (57.6) (59.2) (65.2) (45.5) (23.9) (23.5) (737.9) (678.6) (45.1) (42.1) (81.4) (61.0) (73.6) (70.4) (40.4) (55.2) 11.9 16.4 (28.5) (38.8) regis healthcare
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