Investor Presentaiton
Kern River
1,700-mile interstate natural gas transmission pipeline
Design capacity of 2.2 million Dth per day of natural gas
Ranked No.1 among 32 interstate pipelines in the 2020 and
2021 Mastio & Company customer satisfaction surveys
Delivered nearly 25%(1) of California's natural gas demand
in 2020
80% of revenue through September 30, 2021, is based on
demand charges
Contracted capacity has a weighted average contract term
of nearly seven years
In 2021, Kern River benefited from:
Facility outages, including a rupture of a mainline on
El Paso Pipeline Co., restricted deliverability of
supply to Southern California markets
Above-normal heat and reduced availability of
hydrogeneration, resulting in increased gas-fueled
generation demand in California
Having a system that operated without issues and
flowed at or above system design capacity from
June through September; 69% of Kern River's
deliveries were made to California during this time
100% equity financed (no debt)
(1) 2020 California Gas Report
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