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Investor Presentaiton

Business Model: Asset Management Actinver If the Mutual Fund Industry in Mexico catches up the relative size of other Latin-American economies, industry AUM could increase between 3 and 6 times. Under these scenarios, Actinver's AUM has the potential to grow between 170% and 500% even without gaining market share. Mutual Fund Assets Under Management Mexico Chile Brazil Industry AUM in Mutual Funds (% of GDP) (1) 10% 27% 60% Implicit AUM in Mexican Mutual Funds (billions of pesos) (2) 2,454 6,626 14,724 Constant Market Share (3) AUM in Mutual Funds (billions of pesos) Potential Growth of Mutual Fund AUM 7.05% 7.05% 7.05% 173 467 1,038 170% 500% Actinver 2024 at Current Growth of Market Share (4) 8.33% 8.33% 8.33% AUM in Mutual Funds (billions of pesos) 204 552 1,227 Potential Growth of Mutual Fund AUM (%) 18% 219% 609% (2) 1234 (4) According to the Global Financial Development Data Base 2017. Implied numbers were computed using the 3Q-2019 GDP figures for Mexico. According to AMIB's September-2019 report Under the assumption that Actinver's market share grows at 3.4% each year, as in the last five years. By 2024 Actinver share would be 8.33%. 9
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