ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 slide image


28 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 29 29 Directors' report The directors present their report together with the financial report of Power Generation Corporation (the Corporation) for the year ended 30 June 2022 and the Auditor's report thereon. This report is to be read in conjunction with the financial statements of the Corporation. Directors The following persons were directors of the Corporation during the financial year and up to the date of this report, unless otherwise stated: Mr Dennis Bree (Chair) Ms Christine Charles Mr Richard Galton Non-executive Director Non-executive Director Non-executive Director The number of directors' meetings (including meetings of committees of directors) and the number of meetings attended by each of the directors of the Corporation during the financial year are: Board Audit & Risk Committee People, Safety & Environment Committee Meeting attendance Held Attended Held D Bree C Charles R Galton Principal activities Attended Held Attended 12 12 4 4 3 3 12 12 4 4 3 3 12 12 4 4 3 3 The principal activities of the Corporation are to safely, reliably and efficiently generate electricity and to provide system stability and associated services supporting the Northern Territory Governments' transition to 50 per cent renewable energy by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Review of operations The Corporation recorded a Net Profit After Tax of $16.9 million (2021: Net Profit After Tax $10.9 million). During the financial year, the Corporation invested $47.3 million (2021: $42.2 million) in its capital investment program. Overall profit is consistent with the previous year as the Corporation continues to benefit from increased efficiencies and through process improvements and continued tightly managed costs. The Corporation's operations are subject to environmental regulations under Commonwealth and Territory legislation. The Board believes that the Corporation has adequate systems in place for the management of its environmental requirements and is not aware of any breach of these environment requirements as they apply to the Corporation. Significant changes in the state of affairs There were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Corporation during the financial year. Going concern The policy environment supports and accelerates the expected increase in penetration of renewables through government's target of 50 per cent renewable by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Territory Generation's role through this transition will be to ensure our generators are available and reliable while keeping. the costs of transition as low as possible. The Corporation has carried out an assessment of the going concern assumption. This includes assessing: (i) Forward cash flow projections (ii) Funding sources (iii) Compliance with debt covenants (iv) The continuity of key customers and suppliers (v) The impact of current economic conditions (vi) Forward forecasts and budgets For the year ended 30 June 2022, the Corporation recorded a Net Profit After Tax of $16.9 million compared to a Net Profit After Tax of $10.9 million for the 2020-21 financial year. The Corporation is forecast to continue to make profits over the next 4 years as reported in the Statement of Corporate Intent 2022-23. All debt maturing in 2021-22 and in subsequent years of the SCI period is anticipated, to the extent required, to be replaced by new long term debt. Based on the above assessment performed, there are no material uncertainties that casts significant doubt about the Corporation's ability to continue as a going concern. The Corporation continues to work towards being sustainable and has the continued support of its sole shareholder, the Treasurer. Accordingly, the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates continuity of normal business activities and the realisation of assets and settlement of liabilities in the ordinary course of business. Dividends The Corporation declared and paid a dividend of $5.43 million during the financial year. Since the end of the financial year, the Directors have declared a dividend of $8.47 million (2021: $5.43 million) to be paid by 24 November 2022. Future developments The Corporation continues to contribute to the development of the Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market (I-NTEM) arrangements. Consultations continue on the structure of the electricity market, as well as reliability standards and ancillary charges. The continuous growth in solar penetration continues to impact the Corporation's business as the use of solar energy in most of the major markets reduces market share. The Corporation continues to supply the majority of essential services to the system, potentially leading to increased costs per megawatt hour if overheads are absorbed over a smaller market. The Corporation has commenced periodic reviewing of strategy, with a focus area being renewable generation, particularly in relation to the Darwin-Katherine power system, with a view to identifying how the Corporation will support the Governments objective to achieve 50% Renewable generation by 2030. In May 2020, the Northern Territory Government announced that the Corporation will deliver a large-scale battery for the Darwin-Katherine Interconnect System. In addition to contributing to the 50% renewable target, the major benefits of this project will include increased stability and reliability of power supply and reduced carbon emissions for the Northern Territory. The project is progressing well and is expected to be operational in mid 2023. Plans to close Ron Goodin Power Station have been delayed to ensure system security and reliability in the region. Critical maintenance activities deferred as part of closure planning have been completed. In 2020-21, the Corporation made it's first investment into our future energy fleet in the Darwin-Katherine region and will see smaller, modular and more flexible and renewable fuel capable gas turbines introduced to Channel Island Power Station. Significant stakeholder engagement, supporting studies and other enabling works towards the Yulara Power Station energy transition initiative have continued during 2021-22. The program will transition power generation in Yulara to a greener and more sustainable supply. In Alice Springs, building works began in June 2021 for a new single circuit transmission line and substation for a contractor. Construction was completed in early 2022, with energisation and commissioning planning well progressed. Apart from the above, there are no developments affecting the operations of the Corporation that, in the opinion of the directors, are likely to significantly impact the Corporation during future financial years.
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