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Investor Presentaiton

118 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 3.3 Other financial assets and liabilities (continued) Assets and liabilities 3 119 Annual Report 2023 Woolworths Group Other financial assets and liabilities mainly comprise derivatives, investments inunlisted equity securities, and put option liabilities over non-controlling interests. Other financial assets Current Derivatives Total current other financial assets Non-current Derivatives Unlisted equity securities Other Total non-current other financial assets Total other financial assets Other financial liabilities Current PUT OPTION LIABILITIES OVER NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS Put option liabilities over non-controlling interests were recognised for PFD, Quantium, and MyDeal based on the present value of the amounts expected to be paid at the time of exercise. 2023 2022 PUT OPTION LIABILITY INTEREST NON-CONTROLLING DATE EXERCISABLE FROM $M $M Quantium 22.4% 30 June 2024 51 106 51 106 PFD 35.0% 30 June 2024 MyDeal 19.8% 62 17 75 60 3 18 140 95 191 201 PUT OPTION LIABILITY MECHANISM Calculated primarily based on a three-year revenue and EBITDA margin growth, which is applied to the Last Twelve Months (LTM) revenue at exercise date and is subject to a floor. Calculated based on a LTM EBITDA multiple and is subject to a floor. 30 September 2025 Primarily referenced to a Gross Transaction Value (GTV) multiple, where the exit enterprise value is calculated as the exit LTM GTV multiplied by an exit multiple which is adjusted for profitability factors, changes in working capital, and net debt to arrive at an equity value. The value of put option liabilities over non-controlling interests are determined using various assumptions. Any reasonably possible changes to these inputs would result in a change to the valuation of these liabilities. Refer to Note 4.7.4 for details. 1 highlights Performance 2 review Business 3.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 3 Directors' Report Derivatives Put option liabilities over non-controlling interests Total current other financial liabilities Non-current Derivatives Put option liabilities over non-controlling interests Total non-current other financial liabilities Total other financial liabilities DERIVATIVES 97 === 34 172 75 269 109 76 135 593 555 669 690 938 799 The Group uses various types of derivatives to hedge exposures to variability in both interest rates and foreign exchange rates. Refer to Note 4.7.4 for further details. UNLISTED EQUITY SECURITIES The Group has various investments in unlisted equity securities. Refer to Note 4.7.4 for further details. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Other includes $2 million (2022: $5 million) of SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) notes and $1 million (2022: $7 million) of loan receivables. Included in prior year was $6 million of convertible notes which were converted during the current period into additional preference shares. Significant Accounting Policies Derivatives Refer to Note 4.7 for details of derivatives. Unlisted equity securities Investments in unlisted equity securities are initially designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss or as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, where investments are not held for trading. Investments are initially measured at fair value net of transaction costs, and are subsequently measured at fair value with any change recognised in profit or loss or other comprehensive income, depending on their initial designation. Dividends received from unlisted equity securities are recognised in profit or loss. Put option liabilities over non-controlling interests Put option liabilities over non-controlling interests are initially recognised at the present value of the amounts expected to be paid at the time of exercise with a corresponding entry to other reserves. At each reporting period, the put option liabilities over non-controlling interests are reassessed and any changes in the estimates of the amounts expected to be paid at the time of exercise are recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and the interest discount is unwound in finance costs. 4 Report Financial LO Other information
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