Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position slide image

Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position

NII up 127% yoy, supported by interest rate rises and well-managed deposit pass-through NII of €162 mn, up 19% qoq Effective yield on assets & cost of funding 291 236 153 NIM bps 132 133 +127% yoy 89 NII (€ mn) 71 74 Performing loans Liquid assets 1,3 (bps) Cost of deposits Cosf of wholesale funding 3 455 390 292 301 319 162 +19% 155 136 qoq 33 -2 -2 1Q2022 2Q2022 3Q2022 4Q2022 1Q2023 • NIM up by 55 bps qoq to 291 bps reflecting repricing of liquid assets and loans • Effective yields on liquid assets¹ increased to 280 bps (up 125 bps qoq) 215 -5 -6 -7 -10 280 -277 -263 -272 1Q2022 2Q2022 3Q2022 -344 4Q2022 -328 1Q2023 NII assumptions • Cost of deposits remains low at 10 bps; Time and Notice deposit pass through remains resilient at 10%² Average ECB depo rate Time deposit pass through² FY2023 assumptions4 1Q2023 2.8% 2.3% up to c.50% Deposit mix (Time and Notice deposits) by Dec 2023 up to c.45% in by Dec 2023 • Cost of other funding broadly flat qoq 4) 7237 Cash, placements with banks, balances with central banks and bonds 2) Calculated as a percentage of the cost of Time and Notice deposits over average 6m Euribor rate of the period 3) Calculation for effective yields on liquids assets and cost of wholesale funding was adjusted to exclude the impact of TLTRO III on both NII and on interest bearing assets & liabilities As communicated in February 2023 10% (vs 7% in 4Q2022) 30% (vs 29% in 4Q2022) 9
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