Fountain Head Exploration slide image

Fountain Head Exploration

Industry Experts used to complete PFS Contributor Craig Wilson (PNX) James Fox (PNX) David Readett (MWorx) David Browne (ERIAS) David Hutton (Terrace Minerals) Michael Green (PNX) Como Engineers Pty Ltd Marco Scardigno (PNX) H&S Consultants Pty Ltd CSA Global Pty Ltd Resource Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd CDM Smith Australia Pty Ltd Katestone Environmental Pty Ltd Sonus Pty Ltd Environmental Geochemistry International Pty Ltd Low Ecological Services Pty Ltd In Depth Archaeology GHD Australia Ltd Role Mining, Infrastructure & Studies Manager Project oversight Metallurgical Engineering Consultant Lead Environmental Consultant Geological Consultant Exploration Manager Mechanical & Process Engineering Resource Geologist Mineral Resource Consultants Mineral Resource Consultants Filtered Tailings Scoping Study Hydrology & Water Quality Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Noise Geochemistry Flora and Fauna Archaeology Traffic and Transport Responsibility Project Study Owner, Optimisation, Pit & Infrastructure Designs and Scheduling Project oversight, Strategy, Financing Metallurgical Testwork and Process Design Environmental Impact Statement and MMPS Exploration Geology & Exploration Metallurgical and Processing Plant Design Consultants Mineral Resource Modelling Glencoe Mineral Resource Fountain Head, Mt Bonnie & Iron Blow Mineral Resources Design of filtered tailings storage in Integrated Waste Landform Site water balance, flood assessment and water management Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessment Environmental Noise Assessment Geochemical Characterisation Flora and Fauna Assessment Archaeological Assessment Traffic Impact Assessment PNZ METALS 28
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