Investor Presentaiton
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Uttar Pradesh aims to achieve universal access to modern energy for all by using the philosophy of
affordable, clean and efficient energy using a mix of renewable energy sources and continuously working
towards reducing the reliability on sources that have adverse effect on the environment. The state also
envisions decreasing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the per capita consumption of alternative energy
The state will prioritise identifying and tapping various sources of energy so that dependence on any one
source is avoided and forms of green energy are promoted. Another strategy will be reduction in energy
consumption rate by 10 per cent of the total electricity consumption per year by increased use of energy
efficient technologies and also enhancement of renewable energy consumption by 10 per cent.
The state is blessed with good solar irradiation to the tune of 1,800 kWh/m2 on an annual average, which is
considered necessary for operating a solar photovoltaic power plant. The state envisions availability of more
than 412,815 million units (50,000 megawatt of peak demand) of energy by 2030 by tapping more than 60 per
cent of it by using efficient, solar and other renewable energy sources.
Mobilisation of financial resources and efficiency in implementation of projects for desired delivery targets
are envisaged through innovative methods of partnership with stakeholders and participation of people.
Other strategies include:
State policy to ensure optimal use of renewable energy and replicate the successful model of DELP scheme
for general domestic consumers to bring the cost of renewable energy competitive with that of the
conventional thermal electricity.
Promotion of solar energy and energy efficient appliances in all sectors, including agriculture, government
departments and tourist places.
Credit linked capital subsidy scheme for technology upgradation including anti-pollution and energy
conservation machinery.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
To achieve sustained economic growth of minimum 9 per cent per annum in the state over the next 13 years
by creating conducive business environment, decent and adequate number of jobs in micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSME), allied agriculture and non-farm sectors while simultaneously pursuing resource
efficient and eco-friendly development through use of appropriate technology and practices
Creating enabling environment for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) and heavy
Promoting niche areas like agro processing/food processing, electronics, IT, tourism, etc.
Reaping demographic dividend through quality education and health and skilling
Ensuring decent work, strengthening employment/income security of workers by enforcing the
existing statutory legislations/provisions, particularly in the service sector
Sustainable production practices and enhancing productivity in agriculture
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