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Investor Presentaiton

5. Way Forward Inclusion of the SDGs in plans and commitments, revise the current ones addressing the gaps Engage LG in several SDG targets e.g., SDG 2.1 (end hunger & ensure food security), 4.3-4.7 (ensure access to quality education including literacy & numeracy and increase skilled youth esp. skills for sustainable development among both sexes), 5.1 (end discrimination against women), 5.2 (end violence against women), 5.6 (access to sexual & reproductive health & rights), 7.1 (access to modern energy services), 8.5(full and productive employment and decent works), 8.8 (protected labour rights), 8.10 (strengthen capacity of domestic financial institutions), 12.8 (access to relevant information & awareness for sustainable development), 14.3 (minimise impacts on Ocean), 16.2 (end violence against children) and 16.6 (develop effective, accountable & transparent institutions) in the Ministry Mapping by the Planning Commission For sustainable development, cities should be developed and managed in a planned way led by the urban LGs. There should be - an urban plan or city plan for each urban area individual economic plans legal scope to include local and international partners for the money making projects and initiatives. authority over industrial planning 41
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