Westpac Financial Performance Update slide image

Westpac Financial Performance Update

18 | NZ Immigration and Tourist Arrivals Country 2014 2015 2016 Region 2014 2015 2016 Australia Asia 21,146 India 23,662 7,350 13,342 25,767 29,093 38,937 43,800 Oceania 13,486 24,541 27,711 30,242 United Kingdom 14,006 13,647 13,445 Europe 23,061 23,887 24,315 Americas China, People's Republic of 8,603 7,565 8,021 9,155 10,014 11,722 Africa and the Middle East 2,527 3,066 4,081 Philippines 2,923 4,220 5,476 United States of America 3,981 3,908 4,326 Germany 3,354 3,639 4,033 France 2,524 3,586 3,932 South Africa 1,420 1,742 2,758 The record annual gain in migrants was driven by an increase in migrant arrivals. Migrant arrivals were 124,100 in the March 2016 year, up 10,300 (9 percent) from the March 2015 year. Canada 1,928 2,213 2,640 Japan 1,990 2,183 2,215 Korea, Republic of 1,752 1,901 2,083 New Zealand citizens returning to live in New Zealand accounted for one-quarter of all migrant arrivals. In comparison, migrant departures (56,400) were down 1,100 (2 percent). Visitors Oceania Asia 2014 2015 2016 1,359,120 575,200 1,415,888 1,514,080 681,568 814,640 Europe Americas Africa and the Middle East 429,296 451,296 487,216 285,664 307,024 348,192 38,192 41,312 43,136 Visitor arrivals - 3.26 million in the March 2016 year, (up 10%) Source: Immigration New Zealand PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
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