Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Plateau should focus on a few key efforts to secure quick wins and critical investments... Effort Build agro-hubs and associated infrastructure Develop seed and fertilizer certification programs Build cold storage and incentivize scale and offtaking for perishable foods Attract potato and maize processing to planned agro-hubs and Jos Develop truck terminals near agro hubs and largest towns Potential funding Private Donors Related initiatives State A.1 E.8 A.2 A.4 A.2 A.3 E.1 Partner to build toll roads and bridges in critical corridors Privatize operation of Jos tourist attractions Launch JV with investor for tin and columbite exploration E.1 C.2 B.3 Attract solar and mini-grid investors near agro-hubs and larger off-grid towns E.5 Concentrate security around key economic centers and transit routes G.2 296 Counterparty funding required Copyright 2019 by Boston Consulting Group. All rights reserved.
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