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Investor Presentaiton

Risk Weighted Assets by Geography - Regulatory Capital Risk weighted assets by Geography (€ mn) Equity and Regulatory Capital (€ mn) 31.12.14 31.03.15 30.06.15 30.09.15 31.12.15 31.12.14 31.03.15 30.06.15 30.09.15 31.12.15 Cyprus Russia 20.452 20.473 19.607 19.473 18.438 Shareholders' equity 3.465 3.502 3.506 3.518 3.055 706 813 708 46 21 United Kingdom 986 1.162 667 663 685 CET1 capital 3.191 3.201 3.205 3.231 2.7482 Romania 308 294 318 315 269 Tier I capital 3.191 3.201 3.205 3.231 2.748 Greece 217 181 180 173 208 Tier II capital 42 30 32 22 30 Other¹ 46 49 47 47 45 Total regulatory Total RWA 22.715 22.972 21.527 20.717 19.666 capital (Tier + Tier II) 3.233 3.231 3.237 3.253 2.778 RWA intensity (%) 85% 86% 85% 86% 85% Risk weighted assets by type of risk (€ mn) 31.12.14 31.03.15 30.06.15 30.09.15 31.12.15 Credit risk 20.625 20.881 19.426 18.830 17.618 Market risk 5 6 16 7 8 Operational risk 2.085 2.085 2.085 1.880 2.040 Total 22.715 22.972 21.527 20.717 19.666 Bank of Cyprus 1 Other countries include Ukraine, Channel Islands and Netherlands 2 Includes independently verified profits for FY2015 31 KOINO WKYNРIW 2235
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