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Latvia Stability Programme Report

MEDIUM TERM FUNDING REQUIREMENT AND BORROWING STRATEGY Main funding instruments are government debt securities in the international and domestic capital markets. Domestic market plays important role and the borrowing volumes via auctions have been increased over the last years Medium Term Borrowing Strategy Goal Principles Ensure timely and full availability of financial resources for covering the financing requirement, by maintaining continuous borrowing opportunities in the international and domestic financial markets on optimal terms and conditions Flexibility (towards timing, maturities and currencies) Balance between risks and costs Consistency and transparency to markets General Financing Requirement Central Government Budget Balance Net Lending Other Flows at the Treasury`s Accounts Outstanding Central Government Debt Redemptions Borrowing Instruments Benchmark issuances in the international capital markets Regular GMTN programme XS ISIN Eurobonds TAP auctions in domestic market (via Primary dealers) Other Possible Instruments Borrowing opportunities from international financial institutions and EU loan facilities (RRF facility, SURE) Issuance of LV ISIN (under local legislation) Short-term loans from commercial banks Private Placements (Bonds under GMTN) Issuance in niche markets and USD 33 Central Government Financing Estimation 2022-2024 from 1.0 to 1.7 Aug - Dec (forecast, indicative) 1.0 2022 Jan - Jul (actual) (EUR billion) 2.9 2.8 2023 2024 The estimated gross borrowing volume is indicative, subject to actual state budget execution and may change due to number of contingencies and external factors, for example: • • additional financing requirement arising from the geopolitical situation and measures to strengthen national security of Latvia support for the economy and society to reduce the negative impact of increase in energy prices Covid-19 fiscal impact (i.e. possible government decisions on measures for mitigation of spread of Covid-19)
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