Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

ING Irving's Japanese LSE Vein Projects Irving has established five large LSE vein projects in northern Hokkaido: • Omu: 168.29 sq km (16,829 hectares) of prospecting licenses and license applications, the 2.98 sq km (298 hectares) Omui Mining Right, and 2.18 sq km (218 hectares) of surface rights. Utanobori: 121.55 sq km (12,155 hectares) of prospecting license applications. Shimokawa: 48.5 sq km (4,850 hectares) of prospecting license applications. Engaru: 84.4 sq km (8,440 hectares) of prospecting license applications. Rubeshibe: 188.80 sq km (18,880 hectares) of prospecting license applications. Eniwa: 56.15 sq km (5,615 hectares) of prospecting license applications. Sado: 86.53 sq km (8,653 hectares) of prospecting licenses on Sado Island. All prospecting license applications have been accepted the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ("METI"), Hokkaido Bureau, and a multi- step review is underway for the final approval. MINDECO is assisting the Company throughout the process. chun OR TH REA yang SOURCES Hambung eoul Songnam on SOUTH KOREA Daejeon Jeonju Daegu P'Ohang u culan Changwon Busan Korea Strait Senda CH'Ongjin IRV:CNX Irving's projects Yuzhne Sakhalk Shimokawa Project Area Sapporo Aomori Eniwa Utanobori Project Area Omu Project Area Engaru Project Area Rubeshibe Project Area Morioka Sado Island Project Area Yamagata Sendal Niigata Fukushima JAPAN Toyama Nagano Kanazawa Saltama Kawasaki Okayama Himej Kyoto Osaka Nagoya Tokyo Yokohama Hamamatsu Hiroshima Kobe Kitakyushu Fukuoka Kumamoto W Project Area 0 250 500 Kilometers Service Layer Credts Sources E HERE Delorme, Intermap, increment P Corp GEBCO, USGS, FAD, NPS, NRCAN Geollase, IGN, Kadaster NL. Ordnance Survey, Es Japan, MET, Esri China Hong Kong swisstope, Mapmynda, OpenStap contributors, and the OS User Community 15
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