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Investor Presentaiton

The alignment with the EU Taxonomy Regional green projects are classified according to the environmental objectives of the << Taxonomy>> Regulation (EU Regulation (EU) 2020/852, article 9) and when possible, the NACE classification Vigeo-Eiris SPO: "Most Green Eligible Categories follow the technical screening criteria specified by the Draft Delegated Act under EU Taxonomy Regulation (Nov 2020)” * In its evaluation and selection process, regional Green projects categories are assessed, when possible, according to the Do No Significant Harm criteria (example of the clean transportation sector in appendix of the Framework) Moreover, at the start of the evaluation and selection process is confirmed that the Region's activities are carried out in strict compliance with the French environmental and social legislation, hence in line with the European Union's Minimum Safeguards (Regulation (EU) 2020/852, article 18) Climate change mitigation Climate change adaptation * Out of the 16 EU taxonomy activities covering all regional projects, regional projects are fully aligned with the technical criteria of contribution to the objective of climate change mitigation in 13 cases, partially aligned in 2 cases and "Not yet assessed" in 1 case. Région îledeFrance O Finance Department - Region Ile-de-France 39
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