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International Presence and Activities

BRIEF HISTORY 1990 - 1998 1997 2000 - 2001 2002 - 2004 2004 2004 - 2005 2007 2013 2017 2018 2019 State owned/controlled universal bank with primary focus on commercial sector VUB as the first issuer of Mortgage Bonds in Slovakia Privatization of the bank: Intesa Sanpaolo obtained 95% share in 11/2001 Restructured and refocused under Intesa Sanpaolo ownership Purchase of CFH (Consumer Finance) Establishment of pension fund JV of VUB Bank and Generali insurer, VUB Generali now 3rd largest in Slovakia Purchase of BOF Leasing, rebranded as VUB Leasing since 2010 EMTN Mortgage Covered Bond Program established First sub-benchmark Covered Bond issued in Slovakia by VUB Bank Consumer Finance Holding and VUB Factoring merged with VUB Bank New legislation relating to Covered Bonds adopted in Slovakia First Slovak benchmark Covered Bond issued by VUB (included in the IBoxx_€_covered index) 25
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