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Investor Presentaiton

11 Commercial execution and innovation Diabetes care Despite uptake of GLP-1s, few patients are treated in International Operations GLP-1 increases as part of the diabetes value market 5% 14% OzempicⓇ sales in IO in million DKK 8,855 Novo NordiskⓇ A fraction of diabetes prescriptions are GLP-1s (% of total diabetes market) 32% 19% 14% 8% 10% 6% 39 2% 3% 1% 1% 2021 2018 2021 Total NAO Total IO EMEA ROW Region China GLP-1 value share GLP-1 volume share 2016 Insulin GLP-1 OADS ROW: Rest of world; EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa; Region China includes Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; OAD: Oral anti-diabetes medicine; IO: International Operations; NAO: North America Operations Source: IQVIA December 2021 CMD22 CAPITAL MARKETS DAY
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