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Event Passport Krasnodar Region

Olympic Tourism Event Passport Olympics and Paralympics of 2014 in Sochi that became one of the most largescale sports projects in Russia undoubtedly turned the city into an all-year-round world-class resort. The resort became more comfortable for residents, attractive for tourists and investors from Russia and abroad. T he infrastructure was updat- ed significantly in anticipa- tion of the Games in Sochi. Almost 400 kilometres of roads, 22 tunnels, 200 kilometres of rail- road tracks, 54 bridges for trains and suburban trains were put into operation. Hundreds of kilome- tres of utility networks and elec- tric lines were constructed along with hospitals, nursery schools and schools. The enormous sports base was created. New hotels were built which allowed arranging addi- tional workplaces at enterprises of the resort, recreational and tour- ism complex. In the Imereti Low- lands only, the hotel room stock is more than 13,000 new rooms to exceed the figure of 20,000 in to- tal. It's where the longest embank- ment of the resort (6 kilometres) is located next to the Olympic Park which is available for every- one interested. Owing to the infrastructure con- structed in Sochi for the Olym- pics and the Paralympics, Olympic tourism is developing rapidly in the Krasnodar Region. The Olym- pic Park in Sochi is the heart of the city. The principal magnet of Krasnodar Region tourists and excursion groups is the Bowl of Olympic Flame foun- tain. Unique equipment designed for spectacular water perfor- mances, part of which has never been used before in the world, and random programming of the fountain allow creating unforget- table shows to be a gem of the Olympic Park. The motto of the park is 'Sport, active and com- fortable rest'. Every visitor of this landmark place can drive their own car along the Sochi Autodrom, one of the best race tracks in the world, or take a race taxi. Unex- pressible emotions and a dosage of adrenalin are guaranteed in the Extreme Park. Go to the en- 90 SOLA How СОЧИ 2002 CORN SON tertaining excursion in an e-car or a velomobile. Have a look at the unique collection of Russian cars in the Sochi Auto Muse- um. And it's hardly the total list of entertainments. The Olympic Park is a key tourist facility of the coastal cluster of Sochi urban re- sort which is regularly updated and improved. Over the last three years, only the attendance of this landmark place has amounted to about 6 million people. Olympic facilities are used effi- ciently to hold events of inter- national, Russian and regional scales. Sochi has become a venue for organization of professional, entertaining and sports events, such as the Sportaccord Interna- tional Sports Forum, the Chess Championship, the FIFA Con- federations Cup 2017, the World Choir Games, the New Wave Musical Festival and many oth- ers. Besides, Russian and foreign fans and tourists are attracted 27 by Russian Formula 1 Grand Prix that takes place on the highway of the Sochi Autodrom. The an- nual attendance of the event is more than 150,000 spectators. Due to the well-developed infra- structure of the resort, smooth work of Krasnodar Region gov- ernment agencies of all levels, owners of the tourism industry facilities, all the conditions for comfortable recreation of tour- ists have been created in Sochi. 91
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