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Investor Presentaiton

GOALS, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES & MEASURES GOAL 2: INFORMATION, ACCESS, AND COORDINATION SERVICES Bolster awareness of and increase access to quality, person-centered information, services and supports NO WRONG DOOR (NWD) Objective Strategies Measures Provide a barrier-free, high-quality, sustainable, person-centered, single statewide system of LTSS for individuals of all ages and disabilities • Increase partner participation in the NWD System • • • • Provide ongoing training and technical assistance to promote success- ful use and participation in the System Integrate PCT and practices into assessment tools, training materials, and policies honoring individual choice and self-empowerment Increase consumer direction through development of online self- referral tool and person-centered consumer portal Develop and share “Best Practices" with local NWD communities and statewide partners that promote collaboration Coordinate and host NWD Resource Advisory Council meetings and sub-workgroups to discuss statewide governance, streamlined access, person-centered OC and marketing/communications for statewide im- plementation and monitoring progress • Develop methodology to calculate Return on Investment for a NWD System Improve person-centered practice capacity of the statewide workforce by training providers in person centered thinking and ос Increase capacity of local NWD networks to produce positive, measurable results for individuals gaining access to home and community based services and supports • Number of NWD Partners . Number of individuals served through NWD with provider referrals and through self-referrals starting by 2020 . Number of individuals certified in person-centered OC - annually • Number of providers trained in OC and PCT (PCT starting by 2020) • Number of individuals receiving OC services • Number of website visits and HCBS searches . Number of statewide services and programs maintained/updated in resource database 61
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