AB InBev Financial Results
Royalty income
The company recognizes the sales-based or usage-based royalties in other operating income when the later of the following
events occurs: (a) the customer's subsequent sales or usage; and (b) the performance obligation to which some or all of the
sales-based or usage-based royalty has been allocated has been satisfied (or partially satisfied).
Government grants
A government grant is recognized in the statement of financial position initially as deferred income when there is reasonable
assurance that it will be received and that the company will comply with the conditions attached to it. Grants that compensate
the company for expenses incurred are recognized as other operating income on a systematic basis in the same periods in
which the expenses are incurred. Grants that compensate the company for the acquisition of an asset are presented by
deducting them from the acquisition cost of the related asset.
Finance income
Finance income comprises interest received or receivable on funds invested, dividend income, foreign exchange gains,
losses on currency hedging instruments offsetting currency gains, gains on hedging instruments that are not part of a hedge
accounting relationship, gains on financial assets measured at FVPL as well as any gains from hedge ineffectiveness (refer
to accounting policy Y).
Interest income is recognized as it accrues (taking into account the effective yield on the asset) unless collectability is in
Dividend income
Dividend income is recognized in the income statement on the date that the dividend is declared.
Finance costs
Finance costs comprise interest payable on borrowings, calculated using the effective interest rate method, foreign exchange
losses, gains on currency hedging instruments offsetting currency losses, results on interest rate hedging instruments, losses
on hedging instruments that are not part of a hedge accounting relationship, losses on financial assets classified as trading,
impairment losses on financial assets as well as any losses from hedge ineffectiveness (refer to accounting policy Y).
All interest costs incurred in connection with borrowings or financial transactions are expensed as incurred as part of finance
costs. Any difference between the initial amount and the maturity amount of interest-bearing loans and borrowings, such as
transaction costs and fair value adjustments, are recognized in the income statement (in accretion expense) over the
expected life of the instrument on an effective interest rate basis (refer to accounting policy T). The interest expense
component of lease payments is also recognized in the income statement (in accretion expense) using the effective interest
rate method.
Research and development, advertising and promotional costs and systems development costs
Research, advertising and promotional costs are expensed in the year in which these costs are incurred. Development costs
and systems development costs are expensed in the year in which these costs are incurred if they do not meet the criteria
for capitalization (refer to accounting policy F).
Purchasing, receiving and warehousing costs
Purchasing and receiving costs are included in the cost of sales, as well as the costs of storing and moving raw materials
and packaging materials. The costs of storing finished products at the brewery as well as costs incurred for subsequent
storage in distribution centers are included within distribution expenses.
AB InBev uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate the transactional impact of foreign currencies, interest rates, equity
prices and commodity prices on the company's performance. AB InBev's financial risk management policy prohibits the use
of derivative financial instruments for trading purposes and the company does therefore not hold or issue any such
instruments for such purposes.
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