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Investor Presentaiton

Investment Incentives and Reforms in Nigeria Compendium of Investment Incentives Investor Protections in the NIPC Act COMPENDIUM OF INVESTMENT INCENTIVES IN NIGERIA NIGERIAN INVESTMENT PROMOTION COMMISSION AND FEDERAL INLAND REVENUE SERVICE FIRS FIRST EDITION 31 OCTOBER 2017 Compilation of fiscal incentives in Nigerian tax laws and duly approved sector-specific incentives First step in understanding impact of incentives in achieving Government's economic objectives and considering incentive reforms Ownership Nigerians and foreigners can invest in any sector, except for those on the negative list No restriction on foreign percentage ownership 6 principal sections ▷ Investment policies and protections ▷ General tax-based incentives Guarantees ■ Government will not nationalize or expropriate any enterprise Right of access to courts and fair and adequate compensation if acquisition is in national interest/for public purpose No restriction on repatriation by foreigners of investment returns or sale proceeds through an authorized dealer ▷ Sector-specific incentives ▷ Tariff-based incentives ▷ Export incentives ▷ Special Economic Zones Dispute Resolution ■ Amicable resolution by mutual discussion or arbitration of investor/government disputes Provisions of any Bilateral Treaty with the investor's country will apply Right of recourse to international arbitration under ICSID* Rules Source: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment. *ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes 16 Improving Business Environment
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