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Investor Presentaiton

Current investment profile Foreign investment has been a key element of Queensland's success story, contributing to the successive waves of growth the state has enjoyed in gold, wool, food and agribusiness, and mining. FDI into Australia over the 10 years to 2015 has grown in value by 118 per cent.9 Australia's major foreign direct investment source markets are the USA, EU, Japan and UK, while China has been a major growth market in recent years (see Figure 2). FDI in mining has dominated activity in recent years (see Figure 3). Figure 3: Australia's key foreign direct investment sectors, 2011 to 2015¹¹ ($million) 700 600 500 Figure 2: Top foreign direct investment into Australia by country, 2005 to 2015¹º 400 300 ($billion) 150 100 50 200 100 о 2011 Mining Manufacturing Real estate activities Financial services 2015 Information communications Transportation and Storage Construction Utilities Future outlook With the completion of the LNG construction phase and subdued market conditions, the Queensland economy faces new challenges. These include a weaker outlook for many of Queensland's major trading partners and business investment returning to a more conventional growth path. However, through its ongoing focus on infrastructure, investment and innovation, the Queensland Government will build upon Queensland's economic strengths and productive advantages, while ensuring existing and emerging industries can capitalise on opportunities as they occur. Trade and investment will remain significant sources of economic growth for Queensland. In particular, growth in the Asia-Pacific region is likely to drive demand for a range of goods and services, including mineral and energy resources, tourism, education and food and agribusiness. Queensland's skilled workforce, strong economic and social infrastructure, and stable regulatory framework are all conducive to business investment. As capital becomes more mobile with advances in technology and global value chains, Queensland will become an increasingly attractive location to do business. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 USA Netherlands EU Japan ASEAN UK • China Wholesale/Retail trade Other sectors Queensland's economic growth is forecast to be stronger than all other Australian states to 2018-19 ... Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy 2017-2022 15
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