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Investor Presentaiton

OUR STRATEGY FOR COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS VARIES BY THEIR CATEGORY ČEZ strategy 14 Effectively manage the portfolio of basin coal plants, heating plants and mines (design-to-value), as well as electricity supply Develop backup sources based on the needs of the Czech Republic and the development of capacity markets Application of the strategy in the generation portfolio ELE New basin ETU plants EPR Locality of Mělník EGT EME2 EME3 EDE Old standalone power plants dependent) EPC Effectively operate and gradually phase out the portfolio of non- basin plants based on economic criteria (CDS- Biomass heating plants EHO EPO ECJH Other heating plants TETR TDK Π CEZ Group basin plants are operated in base load. Thanks to the low operating costs, their high availability is crucial. Heat supply is an upside. The largest heating plant of CEZ Group, which supplies the capital city Prague with over 10 PJ of heat per year. Partial modernization of the heating plant is planned after the old units phase out. For the hard coal power plant Dětmarovice, the electricity production is crucial, profitability of which strongly depends on the development of commodity prices. Heat supply is an additional income. Profitability of the Počerady plant depends on market commodity prices, including lignite (based on I the prices of hard coal). The power plant is on the edge of the technical life and does not meet the BREF/BAT emission limits. In 2019, ČEZ has to decide about potential withdrawal from the sale of the power plant. Sources with significant heat supply. Incentives for production of electricity from clean biomass burning is of crucial importance. Planned greening of the Trmice heating plant and construction of a new heating source (biomass/gas) in Dvůr Králové in order to fulfill the BREF/BAT limits. Note: CDS (clean dark spread) - margin from electricity sale after subtracting the costs of coal and CO2 allowances; CSS (clean spark spread) - margin from electricity sale after subtracting the costs of gas and CO2 allowances CEZ GROUP
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