Investor Presentaiton
Companies that successfully implemented projects
Remington Seeds
Factory for the production
of classic seed hybrids
The provision of an investment
platform for the project under
the simplified target procedure allowed
to start the project implementation
in the shortest possible time
The cost of the project
million dollars
Raiffeisen ☑
Construction of feed mill
in Stavropol Territory, allowed
the concern to significantly reduce
the delivery time to customers
of products while maintaining
its high quality
The cost of the project
million dollars
million dollars
is directed on realization
of projects at the expense
of application of regional
privileges and preferences
Factory for the production
of dry construction mixtures
The advantage of production
in the presence of large stocks
of raw materials in the Stavropol
Territory and neighboring regions
The cost of the project
million dollars
Effective investmentView entire presentation