Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis slide image

Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis: VONB AIA Sensitivity of VONB for the six months ended 30 Jun 2023 Interest rates +50 bps Interest rates -50 bps Presentation currency 5% appreciation Presentation currency 5% depreciation Lapse/discontinuance rates +10% Lapse/discontinuance rates -10% Mortality/morbidity rates +10% (11.6)% Mortality/morbidity rates -10% Maintenance expenses -10% Expense inflation set to 0% Equity and property returns and risk discount rates -100 bps (5.0)% (3.6)% (6.2)% +4.2% +3.6% +2.6% +1.9% +6.8% +11.6% +9.8% 66 99
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