Investor Presentaiton
These materials contain forward-looking statements with respect to the future business results, plans, and management targets and strategies of AEON REIT
Investment Corporation (AEON REIT). These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and judgments in accordance with information available to AEON
REIT and AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. at the time of preparation of these materials. Such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks
and uncertainties and may be affected by these risks, uncertainties and other factors. Forward-looking statements with respect to the future business results, plans,
and management targets and strategies are not guarantees of the future results, business performance, or financial condition of AEON REIT, and actual results
could differ materially due to various factors. AEON REIT does not guarantee or promise that these forward-looking statements will be achieved.
While all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information presented herein is correct, AEON REIT makes no assurance or guarantee as to
the accuracy or completeness of that information. The contents of the information may be changed or eliminated without notice.
These materials contain charts, data, etc. prepared by AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. based on information provided by third parties or publicly announced by
third parties. These materials also include analyses, judgments and other views based on information currently available to AEON REIT and AEON Reit Management
Co., Ltd. Furthermore, there are other views that differ from these, and AEON REIT and AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. may change these views in the future.
AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. assumes no obligation to update and publicize any forward-looking statements in these materials.
These materials are provided for the sole purpose of presenting general information and explaining the management strategies of AEON REIT, and are not
intended as a solicitation to purchase AEON REIT's investment units, nor to enter into any other financial instruments transaction agreement. When making
investments, investors are advised to use their own judgment and discretion.
Disclaimer for Dutch Investors
The units of AEON REIT Investment Corporation ("AEON REIT" or the "AIF") are being marketed in the Netherlands under Section 1:13b of the Dutch Financial
Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht, or the "Wft"). In accordance with this provision, AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. (the "AIFM") has notified the
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Authoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") of its intention to offer these units in the Netherlands. The units of AEON
REIT will not, directly or indirectly, be offered, sold, transferred or delivered in the Netherlands, except to or by individuals or entities that are qualified investors
(gekwalificeerde beleggers) within the meaning of Article 1:1 of the Wft. As a consequence, neither the AIFM nor AEON REIT is subject to the license requirement
for investment institutions (beleggingsinstellingen) or their managers pursuant to the Wft. Consequently, the AIFM and AEON REIT are only subject to the
supervision of the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") or the AFM for the compliance with the ongoing regulatory requirements as referred to in
the Dutch law implementation of Article 42 of the AIFMD. According to Article 23 the prospectus is not subject to approval by the AFM. No approved prospectus is
required to be published in the Netherlands pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the "Prospectus Regulation") as amended and applicable in
the Netherlands. Please visit AEON REIT's home page (https://www.AEON to access its latest annual report referred to in Article 22(1)
of the AIFMD or information provided under Article 23 of the AIFMD. There is no prospectus available.
Asset Manager: AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd.
(Registration of financial instruments business: Kanto Local Finance Bureau, Director-General (Financial Instruments), No. 2668)
Contact Information
ÆON REIT Investment Corporation
Please contact us any questions:
AEON Reit Management Co., Ltd. Finance and Planning Department
TEL: +81-3-6779-4073
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