Investor Presentaiton
Relaxing Reserve Requirement Ratios
Lower reserve requirements, effective 1st May 2020
200bps for conventional commercial banks INELIGIBLE for looser daily reserve requirements as per macroprudential policy to
support export-import and MSME financing, effective from 1st April 2020, to 3.5%, with a daily ratio of 0.5% and average ratio of
50bps for Islamic banks and Islamic business units INELIGIBLE for looser daily reserve requirements as per macroprudential
policy to support export-import and MSME financing, effective from 1st April 2020, to 3.5%, with a daily ratio of 0.5% and
average ratio of 3%
200bps for conventional commercial banks eligible for looser daily reserve requirements as per macroprudential policy to
support export-import and MSME financing, effective from 1st April 2020, to 3.0%, with a daily ratio of 0% and average ratio of
50bps for Islamic banks and Islamic business units eligible for looser daily reserve requirements as per macroprudential policy
to support export-import and MSME financing, effective from 1st April 2020, to 3.0%, with a daily ratio of 0% and average ratio
of 3%
Source: Bank Indonesia
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