2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation slide image

2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation

Regulatory Ratios RWAS €46.4bn 17.0% Bank of Ireland 2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation Regulatory CET1 ratio 60bps (25bps) (35bps) (30bps) 20bps (80bps) (10bps) RWAS €47.4bn 16.0% Dec-21 CRD Phasing Net organic capital Credit impairment RWA Forseeable distribution deduction Pension Other Davy transaction Jun-22 24 24 Regulatory Capital Metrics CET1 Ratio Tier 1 Items/Instruments: Tier 1 Ratio Tier 2 Items/Instruments: CET1 Dec-21 Jun-22 17.0% 2.1% 19.1% 16.0% 2.1% Tier 1 & Total Capital 18.0% 3.2% 3.2% Total Capital Ratio¹ Risk Weighted Assets MREL Ratio Leverage Ratio 22.3% 21.2% €46.4bn €47.4bn 31.4% 32.4% 6.6% MREL Movement in Regulatory CET1 ratio broadly aligned with movement in fully loaded ratios Tier 1 and Tier 2 buckets in excess of regulatory requirements; future issuance influenced by market conditions and refinancing/ growth MREL eligible senior debt issuance of c.€1bn in H1 2022; within c.€1bn - €2bn p.a. issuance guidance 6.3% MREL ratio of 32.4% at Jun 2022 1 On 24 August 2022, the Group announced that it will redeem two Tier 2 instruments ($500m and £300m) in full on 19 September 2022 Bank of Ireland
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