2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report slide image

2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO 2021 SUSTAINABILITY HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT MOODY'S BETTER BUSINESS BETTER LIVES BETTER SOLUTIONS APPENDIX Moody's 2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report 16 BETTER LIVES DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND UPSKILLING DEFINITION RELATED SECTIONS IN REPORT Our ability to ensure employees from diverse backgrounds, genders and ethnicities are offered equal opportunities at all levels >>> Diversity, equity and inclusion The efficacy of policies and practices to maintain a healthy and safe work environment, as well as our success in ensuring the physical and mental well-being of our employees » Employee health and well-being How we provide employees with access to training and education in skills that improve employability in the future >>> Employee training and upskilling EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES AND RISK CULTURE How we promote an effective risk culture throughout the organization, including appropriate incentives, risk management training and leadership enforcement >>> Diversity, equity and inclusion » Employee training and upskilling >>> Employee health and well-being EDUCATION PHILANTHROPY AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT How we support the advancement of education in technology, finance and sustainability in the communities where we operate How we contribute to social and environmental causes through grants, gifts in-kind and related charitable activities, and how those contributions, in turn, make employees feel about working at the company SUPPORT FOR SMES How the company maximizes engagement, training and education opportunities for SMEs >>> Communities >>> Diversity, equity and inclusion >>> Communities >>> Diversity, equity and inclusion >>> Communities
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