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Investor Presentaiton

Tie-up With Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in Response to Electric Power Deregulation TOKAI will also provide services to 20 million households that are customers of TEPCO, independent the Group's 2.54 million customers ☐ TOKAI officially agreed on an official tie-up with TEPCO to sell electricity, and from the same day started selling high-voltage electricity to customer companies in the service area of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. At this year's end, TOKAI plans to announce a set menu for the sale of gas, other Group company services, and electricity. From October, TOKAI has started PR activities about being engaged in electricity sales, and from January 2016 TOKAI will start accepting business reservations. Targeting households and companies that will be completely affected by retail sales of electricity after electric power deregulation (Service area of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power) TOKAI offers business benefits to customers that sign contracts for set products Various business products and service-charges plan Electricity-charges plan in response to electric power deregulation TOKAI Group LP gas Security Hikari CATV Aqua collaboration LPガス セキュリティ 光コラボ CATV アクア AAA Ly 放送+通信 Provision of Total Life Concierge (TLC) services TEPCO Electricity 電気 Provision of stable electricity power by virtue of possessing the largest power supply in Japan 13
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