Investor Presentaiton
Trends for 2021 did not follow this general pattern due to the high utilization of
COVID-19 vaccines that were subsidized and made available at very low per unit
prices. The Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines were three of the four
most prescribed immunological agents in 2021, with unit prices of approximately
$40. Without the COVID-19 vaccines, per unit prices of brand name drugs would have
certainly increased in 2021 as well.
Leading Contributors to Prescription Drug
Spending in the Commercial Market
To gain a better understanding of what is driving prescription drug spending in the
commercial market, OHIC reviewed the seven categories of drugs accounting for
almost all of 2021 spending on brand name drugs. Immunological agents topped
the list with spending at $177 million (see Exhibit 3.4). A deeper look at leading
immunological agent brand drugs shows that per unit prices and annual increases
Exhibit 3.4: Commercial Spending for the Top 20 Brand Name Drug Categories in 2021
Immunological Agents
Blood Glucose Regulators
Respiratory Tract/Pulmonary Agents
Central Nervous System Agents
Blood Products and Modifiers
Genetic, Enzyme, or Protein Disorder: Replacement,
Modifiers, Treatment
Gastrointestinal Agents
Dermatological Agents
Cardiovascular Agents
Ophthalmic Agents
Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents
Source: OHIC analysis of HealthFacts RI data. Medicare fee-for-service data are excluded.
Annual Report: Health Care Spending and Quality in Rhode Island
$200.0MView entire presentation