Investor Presentation
COVID-19 Update
Key Impacts to Forest Products Markets
Paper and packaging markets
Demand for tissue has been extraordinarily strong as consumers have stocked up on personal care products
· Demand for packaging grades has been strong due to increased reliance on packaged foods and e-commerce amid the pandemic
- Demand for printing and writing grades has declined significantly due to work-from-home policies and overall economic slowdown
Lumber and construction markets
- New home construction has stalled due to stay-at-home orders and overall economic slowdown
- Full-year outlook for housing starts remains largely uncertain
March housing starts (1.22mm) declined 22% versus February (1.56mm) with further declines anticipated
R&R market has held up reasonably well, with increased focus on home improvement projects amid stay-at-home orders
Announced NA lumber capacity curtailments of 15 BBF (annualized basis), although some mills already re-starting
Overview of Rayonier Impacts by Segment and Response
Corporate: implemented a work-from-home policy for office employees and enhanced safety guidelines for field employees
■ Southern Timber: pulpwood demand strong while sawtimber demand impacted by sawmill curtailments; pickup in China export market
due to tariff waivers and supply reductions from other regions; reduced full-year volume guidance by ~550k tons (-9%)
■ Pacific Northwest: sawtimber and pulpwood demand negatively impacted by mill curtailments, partially offset by pickup in China export
market; reduced full-year volume guidance by ~100k tons (-7%)
■ New Zealand: government implemented lockdown of all non-essential businesses (including forestry) for one month but began re-
opening on April 28th; pent-up demand translating to improved pricing; reduced full-year volume guidance by ~450k tons (-17%)
■ Real Estate: development activity expected to slow down significantly; rural transaction pipeline holding up reasonably well
The U.S. forest products industry has been designated as a critical infrastructure industry by the Dept. of
Homeland Security and has therefore continued to operate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Investor Presentation | May 2020
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