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Investor Presentaiton

Investments Total investments during the crop year were R$933 million, including expenditure with crop treatments of the ratoon cane, a reduction of 11% over the previous crop year. The resources were especially designated for sugarcane planting, which contributed to boosting the capacity of the industry and the company's deleveraging. Looking ahead to the next crop years, having approved the judicial reorganization plan, our objective is to achieve maximum crushing capacity at all our agroindustrial units by investing in renewing and expanding the plantations and in technologies that optimize our operations. More information in Productivity in the fields. Investments (R$ millions) 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 (%) Variance 2019/2020 x Crop formation Farming Industrial Administrative 2018/2019 346 435 449 -20% 65 95 61 -32% 80 74 48 8% 1 7 8 0% (0) (1) (2) -88% Net investments 492 610 566 -19% Crop Handling (TC)* 442 435 427 1% Net investments with TC 933 1,045 993 -11% Divestments * Cash overview. Check out our full Financial Statements. 41
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