Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
Brazil produced around 2 million vehicles in 2020, which
represents around 2.5% of the world production of
vehicles and places the country in ninth position in the
world production ranking in the sector. In the Brazilian
market, according to data from ANFAVEA (National
Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers), Brazil
ended 2020 with 1.84 million licensed vehicles, which
represented a drop of 25.8% compared to the result
obtained in 2019.
Due to COVID-19, the year 2020 was suffocated in
relation to expected growth. ANFAVEA estimates for
this year growth of 15% in sales, 25% in production and
9% in exports. Despite all the difficulties caused by the
second wave of the pandemic in Brazil and the
production bottlenecks, the automobile industry has
managed to maintain a good pace of activity. Vehicle
production in April 2021 was 190.9 thousand units,
4.7% below March, but in a month that had three
working days less than the previous one.
Exports, in turn, grew by 34.7% accumulated in the year. In all, 33.9
thousand vehicles were exported in April and 129.6 thousand in the
year. Shipments increased for most of the market, especially to
It is important to note that the automotive industry went through a
long process during COVID-19 that impacted the world economy. The
transformation of the digital environment and services, such as car
rental, began to become a trend, as the customer started to seek
comfort/safety added to the avoidance of high costs from vehicles.
Another relevant factor is the increase in sales of used cars.
According to CNN, the problems of lack of parts faced by
automakers during the pandemic and the consequent rise
in prices of new vehicles ended up pushing Brazilians to
purchase already-run cars, with some of them resorting to
the so-called "change for change" in search of some
financial relief in the crisis.
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